On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 18:22:20 -0800 (PST), Tim Nolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Susan,
> Firouz>Islamic governments and Islamic parties say that they are just 
> accountable to God not to people.<
> Susan >Don't we say the same thing about own institutions? <
> Yes, we do.  But the Baha'i institutions exist, and operate
> based on the explicit, written statements of Baha'u'llah
> or His successors.   Can Islam make the analogous claim?

But in some ways the larger issue is that if Susan hadn't made her
comment and I hadn't read similar things elsewhere and I had heard
your accusation towards Islam for the first time, then it would have
been misleading. I'm "ok" with the idea that western liberals like the
idea of a secular government and are going to have certain qualms
about Islamic governments, but if you criticize Islam and give the
impression that you would like to see secular governments, when in
reality you are just in favor of a different kind of theocracy, that
certain gives the impression of being evasive (at best).



"My people are hydroponic"

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