On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 22:46:15 -0800, Patti Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Gilberto:
> > I might have. Personally, I would have to make a serious study of
> > Daniel and Revelation before I would feel really confident responding
> > in a specific way. Offhand my impression is that Biblical prophecies
> > are really murky, and given the range of different interpretations
> > given to the various passages through the centuries, I don't think
> > there is going to be anything conclusive come out of them.
> Patti:
> As I stated, this prophecy is clearly explained elsewhere in Baha'i terms in
> Some Answered Questions & Thief in the Night. 

I know that. I've looked at Thief in the Night and even Bahais admit
that there are mistakes in it. The approach taken didn't seem very
intuitive to me. I'm really skeptical of how I've seen Biblical
prophecies interpreted in general, whether from Daniel, the Book of
REvelation or elsewhere. In order to really discuss these issues with
you, I would want to reread Daniel, reread Revelation, read the
relevant passages in Some Answered Questions and go through them and
see how I think everything does or doesn't match up. That's alot of
work. It may seem to some folks that I don't have anything better to
do besides post in here, but it actually isn't the case.

The prophecies are vague enough that through the centuries many
different people have been named as the various actors in the visions.
The woman with the crown, the anti-christ, the beast, etc.

> This is not just a Baha'i
> interpreted prophecy, but was the source of "The Great Disappointment" to a
> great number of literal minded Christians who thought the world would end in
> 1844.

Yes, I realize that. I was reading about that in a different context,
and had actually mentioned it to a Bahai I know and he's the one that
lent me his copy of A thief in the night. The Millerite groups are the
predecessors to the Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and
ultimately even the Branch Davidians. They have their own
understandings of what happened instead during the Great
Disappointment as well.

I'll try to better understand how the prophecies are interpreted and
we can talk about it some more later on if you like.



"My people are hydroponic"

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