On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 02:13:25 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> In a message dated 12/25/2004 9:40:49 A.M. Central Standard Time,

[hypothetical situation of  a small group of Bahai countries being
attacked by a coaliion of fundamentalist countries on religious

> So would it be permissible for the Bahai country to fight back?

> Dear Gilberto, 

> That would be a question for the House of Justice to answer. 

So whatever it means to "blot out holy war" it doesn't absolutely
exclude the possibility that Bahais would take up arms to defend
themselves and fight non-Bahais.

> "If the Bahai country fought back, would that be considered a holy war?"
> No. 

So if a Muslim country is attacked, and defends itself, would THAT be
considered a holy war?


"My people are hydroponic"

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