On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 23:03:37 -0600, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In Islam, that's when a person becomes an adult. What other definition
> of "woman" are you using?
> Dear Gilberto,
> So do you think it would be okay today if a mature man married and had
> intercourse with a ten year old girl so long as she had had her menses?
I don't think that's the only consideration in a relationship. People
aren't just biological organs with stopwatches attached to them. I
think a deeper criteria is that there be a loving non-exploitative
commited relationship between the people who are married. There are
some young people are precocious and can handle alot of things. There
are some older people who are immature and can't. Ultimately age is
just a number.

But at the same time I certainly am in favor of efforts to protect
children from exploitation. And I think a totally reasonable way to
protect children in 2005 is to pass statutory rape laws, with certain
age cut-offs even though the exact numbers might be somewhat



"My people are hydroponic"

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