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Didn't she disagree with some UHJ decisions, though?  

>that's the rumour, but the UHJ has never said so, and I've seen no 
>evidence for it. It's easy to launch a rumour.
I'm fairly sure a while ago I saw a copy of a critical letter to them, probably 
on her website. Not totally sure.  I did speak to a couple family members 
tonight on the subject, as we used to live in NZ.  One said it was common 
knowledge among NZ Baha'is that she wrote to the UHJ arguing that Shoghi 
Effendi could not have been the successor of 'Abdu'l-Baha.  There wasn't 
agreement as to whether she had actually criticized the UHJ.
> no sense to claim to be Baha'i if you don't support the UHJ, 

I find it interesting you agree with this after what you say below.

>Agreed. Being Bahai is a personal committment, not a mere opinion. 
>Still, so far as I know, Alison is a Bahai. If it's important to you 
>to know, you can ask her: there a contact form on her site.  She's 
>not enrolled, but then neither are the Bahais in China or Iran. 
>Neither am I. Neither were all the Bahais who lived before there was 
>such a thing as enrollment. Vice versa, not every name on the 
>membership rolls represents a Bahai.
Isn't this a bit misleading?  Describing Alison as 'not enrolled' hardly sounds 
accurate.  The House decided she wasn't to be counted as a Baha'i.  In saying 
Alison is a Baha'i are you disagreeing with the UHJ decision or are you 
disputing that they disenrolled her?  Unlike the Baha'is in China or Iran, she 
could be an enrolled Baha'i.  I won't ask her if she's a Baha'i because I know 
she considers herself as such.  Iran and China may be exceptions, but in most 
countries whether a person is classified a Baha'i or not is determined by 
whether they are enrolled.  Hence, I think it is misleading to classify Alison 
as such.  I know you're aware that the House decided to disenroll you, and 
referring to yourself as a Baha'i seems to tacitly imply criticism of their 

>The UHJ determines the membership, and sometimes says that certain 
>people who apply for membership cannot be enrolled, but it does not 
>say that they are not Bahais.
They said you weren't a Baha'i, though.  Who is correct, you or them?

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