
that looks like the query being run for accurate backup.
I wonder why it's slower after the upgrade, as it's one table less for the join.
This kind of problem with accurate has also been seen with the Bareos 16.2 DB 
in MySQL.

Please check if the indexes on the File table match the ones defined in

May be do
in mysql again.

If that does not help, disabling accurate for that job meanwhile may be better
than killing the query.



On 01/22/2018 02:30 PM, jsfre...@ludia.com wrote:
> Hi, After the upgrade to 17.2.4 (21 Sep 2017) I noticed the following sql 
> query:
> SELECT Path.Path, T1.Name, T1.FileIndex, T1.JobId, LStat, DeltaSeq , Fhinfo, 
> Fhnode FROM ( SELECT FileId, Job.JobId AS JobId, FileIndex, File.PathId AS 
> PathId, File.Name AS Name, LStat , DeltaSeq, Fhinfo, Fhnode, Job.JobTDate AS 
> JobTDate FROM Job, File, (SELECT MAX(JobTDate) AS JobTDate, PathId, FileName 
> FROM (SELECT JobTDate, PathId, File.Name AS FileName FROM File JOIN Job USING 
> (JobId) WHERE File.JobId IN (2897,2941,2963,3005,3023,3041) UNION ALL SELECT 
> JobTDate, PathId, File.Name AS FileName FROM BaseFiles JOIN File USING 
> (FileId) JOIN Job ON (BaseJobId = Job.JobId) WHERE BaseFiles.JobId IN 
> (2897,2941,2963,3005,3023,3041) ) AS tmp GROUP BY PathId, FileName) AS T1 
> (2897,2941,2963,3005,3023,3041)) OR Job.JobId IN 
> (2897,2941,2963,3005,3023,3041)) AND T1.JobTDate = Job.JobTDate AND Job.JobId 
> = File.JobId AND T1.PathId = File.PathId AND T1.FileName = File.Name ) AS T1 
> JOIN Path ON (Path.PathId = T1.PathId) WHERE FileIndex > 0 ORDER BY 
> T1.JobTDate, FileIndex ASC
> This query is taking a very long time to complete. Now it's been running over 
> 13 hours and it is still running and taking 100% CPU.
> I'm using mysql 5.5, and the schema was upgraded when upgrading from 16.2 to 
> 17.2.
> For the last few days I had to kill the queries, but it would be great to 
> have this fixed.
> Any idea what is wrong here ?
> Thank you.

  Stephan Dühr                              stephan.du...@bareos.com
  Bareos GmbH & Co. KG                      Phone: +49 221-630693-90

  Sitz der Gesellschaft: Köln | Amtsgericht Köln: HRA 29646
  Komplementär: Bareos Verwaltungs-GmbH
  Geschäftsführer: S. Dühr, M. Außendorf, J. Steffens, Philipp Storz

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