On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 21:03:46 +0200, Ville Skyttä wrote:

> Hello,

Hello Ville,

> I noticed today that there's a new bash-completion upstream at 
> alioth.debian.org - this is great, it's about time!

Eheh :)
And we're having a newer upstream in our bzr repository ;)

> I am the long time Fedora bash-completion maintainer and we are shipping a 
> whole slew of patches and additions in the Fedora package (quite a few of 
> them written by yours truly) which I'd very much rather see applied
> upstream. I've just rebased them against the 20080705 release.

That is great!

> If you want to give me commit access to the repository, I can take care of 
> committing them (as well as future improvements) myself.  My alioth account 
> is "scop-guest".  If you'd rather not give that access, let me know and I'll 
> send an URL to the patches to you.

Are these patches tested enough? How long have they been applied in the Fedora
We don't want another plethora of bugs *gh* ;)

However, please file a request to join the group:


Also, please subscribe to the mailing list (you can see it CCed, just join it
at lists.alioth.debian.org ) -- it would be really cool to have some sort of
cross-distribution development (we already have a gentoo maintainer in our IRC
channel, #bash-completion on irc.oftc.net).

Thank you for your help!

David Paleino
Bash-Completion Team

 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|-- http://www.hanskalabs.net/
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