reassign 547361 bash-completion
retitle 547361 please add completion for lintian and lintian-info
tags 547361 confirmed

On Sat, 19 Sep 2009 11:58:48 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

> David Paleino <> writes:
> > On Fri, 18 Sep 2009 17:38:00 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> >> I'm going to completely forget to update this file for additional
> >> checks or collection scripts.  Is there any way, in bash completion
> >> rules, to make the completion of those arguments be based on the files
> >> installed in /usr/share/lintian/{checks,collection} instead?
> > There is, but I couldn't find anywhere where the "aliases" are defined,
> > i.e.  "chg" for "changelog-file", for instance. Could you give me a
> > pointer?
> Those aren't, unfortunately.  I think they're of somewhat questionable
> utility, though.

Raphael told me on IRC they are in the .desc files, and indeed they are :):

$ grep ^Abbrev /usr/share/lintian/checks/*.desc | cut -d\  -f2

> I'd be good with either listing the aliases manually and combining that
> with the file names or just having the file names available.  I suspect
> most people will use the file names anyway, and I wonder from time to time
> if we should just drop the aliases, although that means breaking backward
> compatibility.  If you list the aliases, I'll try to remember to update
> them, but I think missing some will be less important than missing a whole
> class of checks if I forget.

I can now provide aliases. *But*, since lintian options only accept
comma-separated lists, this is a bit harder to achieve. I asked help to other
bashcomp team members to see whether they have ever done something like that.

Also, we're probably going to change plans about pushing completions to
respective upstreams -- that would cause maintainance headaches to us (or no
maintainance at all!), so we'll probably change our decision.

So, I'll try to fix the completion and I'll eventually provide one (even with
limited capabilities, better than nothing), but I'm reassigning the bug to
bash-completion until we definitely decide where to put completions :)

Sorry for the noise ;)

 . ''`.  Debian maintainer |
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