On Tuesday 13 April 2010, Martin Eve wrote:
> Hi all,
> I attempted to submit a bug report to
> https://alioth.debian.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=312458&group_id
> =100114&atid=413095 which did not attach my patch. Alioth is refusing to
> let me create a new account; hence the guest post.
> Please find a unified diff that fixes the issue attached to this message.

The way that patch does it is by removing our completion for wget altogether.  
Alternate fix applied: http://git.debian.org/?p=bash-completion/bash-

On the other hand, the current code in git should not actually have had this 
problem in the first place, it should auto-enable -o filenames (or emulation 
on bash < 4) on demand when _filedir is used which is what _longopt does.  
Perhaps we should just merge the two different blocks of commands that use 
plain _longopt into one and use -o default for all of them?

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