Le 30/04/2010 08:22, Alun Evans a écrit :
> if I do:
>  cmd -<TAB>
> I'd like to generate:
>   -f --file -o --output -v --verbose
> but if I do:
>  cmd -f foo -<TAB>
> or:
>  cmd --file foo -<TAB>
> I'd like to see:
>   -o --output -v --verbose
> I could cook something up, but I'm thinking this is a very common task, and 
> wondering if it's been done already.
So your point is just altering options list, to remove already used
ones, right ?

I know subversion completion uses a similar behaviour, to remove
antagonist options. Otherwise, I don't see any other example.

BOFH excuse #95:

Pentium FDIV bug

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