On 100609 07:56, David Paleino wrote:
> I merged "master" into 1.x -- if you're ok with the current status, I'm going 
> to
> prepare a 1.2 relese in the next few days. Otherwise, please tell me, and 
> let's
> only get bugfixes in the 1.x branch.

Sorry, meant to have sent the mail underneath Wednesday, but it ended up
in a local mail queue :-(  Here it is finally:

Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 22:32:27 +0200
From: Freddy Vulto <fvu...@gmail.com>
To: bash-completion-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org

I've been trying to find the perfect solution for `passing variables by
reference', and I think it can be achieved by adding two helper methods
`_upvar' and `_upvars'.  For more information, see:


In a minute I'll add this to the branch `use-_get_comp_words_by_ref'.
Then I would like to merge this into `master'.  I think it would also be
nice if we could merge this into the 1.2 release, because the `upvar(s)'
solution is much nicer than the wrapper-workaround which is currently in

Anyway, things turned out right with branch `use-_get_comp_words_by_ref'
merged in 1.2, thanks.  I'll try doing some more testing on the 1.x
branch the next few days.

Greetings, Freddy

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