Le 26/10/2010 20:16, Ville Skyttä a écrit :
> On Tuesday 26 October 2010, Ville Skyttä wrote:
>> On Tuesday 26 October 2010, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
>>> I'm still interested in merging remaining similar patches (for rpm
>>> database completion,
>> I don't personally find rpmdb completion too slow to warrant it being off
>> by default.
> Forgot to include some representative numbers about this; on a box with 
> Athlon 
> 64 3200+, 3GB memory, and rpmdb on an SSD disk:
'SSD' and 'representative' together :) ?

Sure, on any modern desktop or laptop, everything is fine. But just try
on some 4/5 years-old outworked server, for instance... Everytime you
hit <TAB>, just because you are used too on your own workstation, you
are entitled to 2/3 second timeout. Hence my point to make them at least
configurable, and eventually disabled by default.

Also, I'm not very happy with the name you used for the new avahi
switch, as it's not very consistent with other variables names sofar:
a <command>_<verb> or <command>_<object> pattern, whereas
COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_AVAHI use <objects>_with_<command> pattern. I'd
rather use something as COMP_AVAHI_HOSTS or COMP_AVAHI_KNOWN_HOSTS, for
BOFH excuse #129:

The ring needs another token

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