Bugs item #312903, was changed at 2010-12-30 05:38 by Ville Skyttä 
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>Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Vladimir Lomov (vl981-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Dir completion ends with space for less,cp,rm,ln,cat 
Distribution: None
Originally reported in: None
Milestone: 1.2
>Status: Invalid
Original bug number: 

Initial Comment:

I'm using bash completion from git repo on Archlinux (x86_64), bash (4.1.9(2) 
-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)).

About a 1.5 month ago I noticed that if I type
$ less /diTAB
I get
$ less /dir 
('/dir ')

Though this is Ok if /dir is a file under / it is not Ok if I want to 'less' a 
file in /dir directory. Previous behavior was:
$ less /diTAB
$ less /dir/

Now I have to always to do
$ compopt -o filenames -o dirnames -o plusdirs (less|rm|cp|ln|cat|...)
to get "right" behavior of the programs.

Is this change was intended or I missed something?


Comment By: Vladimir Lomov (vl981-guest)
Date: 2010-12-31 05:58

Sigh, how I could be so fool. Naive, I even don't expect that Adobe could done 
such thing!

Thanks, this was indeed problem with acroread completion file which was 
installed into /etc/bash_completion.d/. I deleted offending function from 
/etc/bash_completion.d/acroread and now all works fine.


Comment By: Ville Skyttä  (scop-guest)
Date: 2010-12-30 18:24

No, this is not intentional, and that's not how bash-completion works for me. 
Is your bash completion git clone up to date, and do you have any other 
versions of bash completion installed?  Do you happen to have acrobat reader 
and its bash completion installed?  It is known to redefine the _filedir 
function with its own version that will break things in various ways. 


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