I took a look on the zsh's mount completion and it looks very similar to what 
in the mount branch, though zsh supports lots of operating systems.

> * There should be a way to test if we are completing a device (_filedir)
>   or a mount point (_filedir -d) (at the end of the completion)

I can't see easy way to implement this. mount completion from zsh uses global 
$state variable to determine what to expect next on the command line. Probably 
we need to introduce similar global variable in the bash-completion too.

> * is ' sshfs#HOST:RPATH PATH ' syntax in the scope of the device path
>   completion within mount ? (so would be obex#, ... and a bunch of other
>   fuse FS :) )

I have sshfs installed now, but I can't figure out how to mount sshfs with the 
`mount` command. There is no /sbin/mount.sshfs in my package and no examples 
for this in the man page.

# mount sshfs# /mnt/hd
mount.nfs: Failed to resolve server sshfs# Name or service not

Can you give an example on how sshfs can be used by the mount command?

-- Igor

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