bash-completion-Bugs item #314720 was changed at 14/06/2014 00:02 by Dams Nadé
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Dams Nadé (anvil-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: "set -o posix" in test/config/bashrc breaks bash-valid code. 
Distribution: None
Originally reported in: None
Milestone: None
Status: None
Original bug number: 

Initial Comment:
#314716, I've submitted a function with a <() construction. While this is valid 
bash syntax, it cannot be parsed by bash if posix mode is enabled.

I would say "set -o posix" plays against the "Use the full power of bash >= 
4.1" statement from the README file, CONTRIBUTING section.

Since a lot of bash completion code is not POSIX compliant ([[, arrays, 
extglob, etc....), I would suggest *disabling* posix mode in the test suite 
bashrc configuration file.


Comment By: Dams Nadé (anvil-guest)
Date: 14/06/2014 00:02

Disabling posix in test/config/bashrc actually breaks the test suite, but I 
think I've found the issue.

When posix is enabled, the "set" command (without any parameter) only shows 
variables, but when posix is disabled the same "set" command will also print 
functions definitions (with full functions body).

So depending of the posix option setting, the _save_env function in 
test/lib/library.exp will not dump the same things. So the function should be 
instead :

proc _save_env {{file ""}} {
    assert_bash_exec "{ (set -o posix ; set); declare -F; shopt -p; } > 

I think it's okay to do this, because it's not about posix itself, it's more 
about the content we want to compare. 

( And maybe the _save_env should also dump "set -o" output, so that we know 
bash_completion does not change bash behaviour )


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