summary: Can someone please show me how to properly write the tests
I'm trying to write?  Code snippets below should make it pretty clear
what I'm trying to test.  Thanks.

 There aren't any docs on how to write new completion tests, only on
how to run existing ones, but I found the existing tests, and
library.exp, and have had some luck making new tests.  Luckily, I
already know what expect(1) is, having used it for something back in
the days of modems, IIRC.  What I could use some help with is the TCL
layer that's driving expect, since I've never used TCL.

 Notes on what should be in a doc somewhere that I had to figure out:
* run sync_after_int to send a ^c to get a new line after a test
  (turns out my command line ended up looking like
  apt-get apt-get purge base-files apt-get changelog base-files ... )

* assert_complete is just a wrapper for assert_complete_one,
  assert_complete_many, assert_no_complete.

* assert_complete_partial is for??  I have no idea.  All library.exp
 has to say for it is:  "# Make sure a partial argument is completed."
 tried it in place of assert_complete, but still no luck.

So in apt-get.exp, I was going to add tests for all the code-paths
that generate package lists in different ways.

# PASS:  purge completes only on installed packages
assert_complete_one {base-files} "apt-get purge base-fi"

# This fails: source pkg ada-reference-manual builds ...-2005 and ...-2012.
assert_complete {ada-reference-manual-2005  ada-reference-manual-2012} "apt-get 
download ada-ref"

[dbg.log] <snip>
expect: does "ada-reference-manual-2005  ada-reference-manual-2012\r\n/@apt-get 
download ada-reference-manual-20" (spawn_id exp9) match regular expression 
"^ada-reference-manual-2005\s+ada-reference-manual-2012\s+/@apt-get download 
ada-refada-reference-manual-20$"? Gate 
"ada-reference-manual-2005*ada-reference-manual-2012*/@apt-get download 
ada-refada-reference-manual-20"? gate=no
expect: timed out
FAIL: apt-get download ada-ref should show completions

 Note the command line expect is looking for after the completion:
/@apt-get download ada-refada-reference-manual-20$
It's the partial I completed on with the longest common prefix
appended in full.  What bash actually printed was, correctly,
/@apt-get download ada-reference-manual-20

 So how do I assert_complete_SOMETHING to properly write this test,
and the rest of the ones I wanted to write:

# FAIL: looking for /@apt-get source ada-refada-reference-manual
assert_complete {ada-reference-manual ada-reference-manual-2005  
ada-reference-manual-2012} "apt-get source ada-ref"

# FAIL: also tried assert_complete_partial:
assert_complete_partial {ada-reference-manual-2005  ada-reference-manual-2012} 
"apt-get download" "ada-ref"
# still looking for /@apt-get download ada-refada-reference-manual-20

# boost-defaults builds libboost*, but no binary package has its name.
# Ubuntu ships it in main, not universe, so it should be in everyone's pkg 
assert_no_complete                   "apt-get changelog boost-def"

# FAIL: slightly different results here
assert_complete_one {boost-defaults} "apt-get source    boost-def"

expect: does "aults " (spawn_id exp9) match regular expression "^boost-defaults 
$"? Gate "boost-defaults "? gate=no
"^/@$"? Gate "/@"? gate=no
expect: timed out
FAIL: apt-get source    boost-def should show completion

 So it's expecting to see the whole thing, not just the completed chars that
get appended to the command line.

 I forget why I even started poking at the apt-get completions.
Probably one of the first ones I came to, looking for examples to base
tests on for _longopt.  There are a few ways _longopt currently
behaves badly, and testcases to document exactly how I want it to
behave would be the best documentation for my changes to the code, as
well as being useful tests.

 Also, on the subject of tests for apt-get, I had a hard time choosing
package names that won't make the test fail when Debian/Ubuntu change
in the future.  And since the apt-get completions apparently can check
for installed packages on an RPM system, who knows what will be
available / installed, if apt-get is there on a non-Debian-derived
system.  I went with base-files because it's a longish name with a
unique prefix, and essential + required in Debianish systems, so it's
safe to write a test that assumes it's installed.

 For an available source package that doesn't have a binary package of
the same name, there's boost-defaults, in Ubuntu's main (not univers)
section.  And ada-reference-manual is interesting in that it builds
two binary packages that include the source package name as a prefix.
IDK if these tests are going to end up being brittle and break when
the archive changes, or break on non-Debian systems.

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X(peter@cor ,

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BC

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