

We have tested several configurations to find the fastest way to convert SVG to various output formats. As we can see in the table below, it depends on the output format and resolution. We wonder why batik needs 5X execution  time for rasterizing a 300 dpi  (810.15 ms) image than for a 72 dpi (118.75 ms) image. We hope to get some comments / suggestions / corrections / other performance data.


used Versions:

batik 1.6


fop 0.20.5



Performance Test, 512 MB RAM, P4 2.4 GHz, SVG with 90 text Elements


Techn               | DOM| sca| GIF 72  | GIF 300 | JPG 72  | JPG 300 | PDF 72  | PDF 300 | SVG 72  | SVG 300 | Null 72 | Null 300


Batik                 | Y       | Y   | 252.3        | 1,744.55| 156.25  | 1,436.7   | 299.25  | 289.85  | 21.1    | 17.15  | 122.65  | 636.75 

Batik                 | Y      | N   | 242.95        | 1,987.5  | 168.75  | 1,246.1   | 286.7    | 288.3    | n.v.      | n.v      | 118.75  | 810.15 

Batik                 | N      | N  | 338.25         | 2,273.45| 286.75  | 1,171.05 | 573.45  | 473.45  | 81.25   | 80.45 | 207.85  | 782.8  

Salamander       | N      | Y  | 386 | 1,500     | 458       | 958         | n.v.       | n.v.        | n.v.      | n.v.    | 103       | 154    

Salamander       | N      | N  | 178 | 1,260     | 476       | 943         | n.v.       | n.v.        | n.v.      | n.v.    | 103       | 146    

sa/gif4j              | N      | Y  | 250 | 696        | n.v.       | n.v.         | n.v.       | n.v.         | n.v.      | n.v.    | 102       | 153    

sa/jpgtra            | N      | Y  | n.v. | n.v.       | 117       | 339         | n.v.       | n.v.        | n.v.       | n.v.    | 103       | 153    





Batik apache batik

Salamander SVGSalamander

sa/gif4j Salamander as Rasterizer, gif4j as GIF-Encoder

sa/jpgtra Salamander as Rasterizer, batik JPEGTranscoder as JPEG-Encoder

DOM SVGDocument is used as Transformation input,

sca scaling is done in the svg Document

n.v. no value

GIF 72 Output is GIF Image with Resolution of 72 dpi

GIF 300 Output is GIF Image with Resolution of 300 dpi

PDF apache FOP PDFTranscoder is used

Null 72 Output is not Encoded -> only Rasterizing



Gloor Informatik


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