On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 8:40 PM Chinmay Pendharkar <notthe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello people,
> I'm trying to use the SDCard on the BBAI for extra storage.
> - I have successfully flashed Debian Console image onto the EMMC using the 
> published flasher images.
> - Next,  I formatted a new microSD Card with MBR and create a FAT partition
> - Next, I created a uEnv.txt in that partition with the contents
> ```
> mmcdev=1
> bootpart=1:2
> mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk1p2 ro
> optargs=quiet
> ```
> I was using this article as a reference : 
> https://elinux.org/Beagleboard:MicroSD_As_Extra_Storage
> However, when I insert the microSD card and reset the board, I don't see 
> anything on the serial console.
> Usually, I can see
> ```
> U-Boot 2020.10-rc1-00001-gc5bc0aaa70...
> ...
> but when I have this microSD card inserted, I don't see anything.
> What am I doing wrong?

On the BBAI, if you want to use the microSD as extra storage, do NOT
create any files named "uEnv.txt" under /, or /boot/ , etc..

Then u-boot will happily ignore it..

The BBAI (am57xx) has a different boot order then the BBB (am335x), on
the BBAI the microSD is always first, where as the BBB the eMMC is


Robert Nelson

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