I am trying to run a script from a program created in perlTk. When I hit
the RUN button, it runs this run_program function. It runs through the
process fine and prints out the Process complete  line and then gives me
some weird messages:

Process complete

X Error of failed request:  BadIDChoice (invalid resource ID chosen for
this connection)
  Major opcode of failed request:  53 (X_CreatePixmap)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x100004f
  Serial number of failed request:  25739
  Current serial number in output stream:  24474

I think it has something to do with the unless(fork), I've read several
examples of using fork but can't seem to figure out how to use it in the
context that I want! The reason I am using the fork is so I can have access
to the window and be able to check the status of the job, i.e. which step
I'm at or how many jobs have completed. Any ideas are highly appreciated.

sub run_program {
   my $inputfile;
   my $cmdline;
   my @running;
   my $tot_running;
   my $tot_files;
   my $tot_done;
   my $segment;
   my $locdir;

   $step++;   # step 1 run input command
   print STDOUT "Running input command $in_cmnd\n";
   system ("$in_cmnd");

   print STDOUT "Running Script\n";

    # Run as child process so can still use window?????
   unless(fork) {
      JOBS: for(;;) {

         JOB: foreach $inputfile (glob("$in_dsn.???")) {

            # it's done
            if (open CHECK, "$base/done.$pid.$segment") {
               unlink  "$base/running.$pid.$segment";
               unlink "$base/done.$pid.$segment";
               unlink "$inputfile";
               close CHECK;
               next JOB;

            if (open ERROR, "$base/error.$pid.$segment") {
               system("rm $base/running.$pid.$segment 2> /dev/null");
               print STDOUT "There was an error running segment
               error_message("There was an error running segment
               close ERROR;
               next JOB;

            if (open RUNNING, "$base/running.$pid.$segment") {
               next JOB;
               close RUNNING;

            # launch the process
            if ($tot_running < $num_process) {
               $locdir = "/\U$mnem/$pid/$segment";
               system("mkdir -p $locdir");
               $cmdline="cd $locdir ;nohup $script $pid.$segment
$pid.$segment \L$filter\E 01 $no_mnths N  >stdout 2>stderr &";
               print STDOUT "Running\n$cmdline\n";
               system("echo xxx > $base/running.$pid.$segment");

         } # for each file

         # break out of the loop when all files are processed
         last JOBS if $tot_done == $tot_files;

      $step++; # step 3, run output command
      print STDOUT "Running $out_cmnd\n";

      $step++;  # step 4, merge reports
      print STDOUT "Mergeing reports\n";

      print STDOUT "\nProcess complete\n\n";
   } # end of fork

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