I have solved my ealier question.

Thanks to those who responded.

the problem was:
I have an input file which contains n rows with 3 items in each row:
1 2 3
a b c
4 5 6

The script output needs to take the items from each row and print them
"v1=1, v2=2, v3=3"
"v1=a, v2=b, v3=c"
"v1=4, v2=5, v3=6"

the script looks like this:

foreach (@parameters){
   my $line=$_;
   ($v1,$v2,$v3) = split (/ /,$line);
   print "v1=$v1\n";
   print "v2=$v2\n";
   print "v3=$v3\n";

Dean Paulson
Systems Test Engineer    (972) 202-8164
Xalted Networks               www.xipn.net 
2901 Dallas Parkway
Suite 200
Plano, TX 75093-5982

Xalted NetworksTM - Proprietary and Confidential.   
Do not copy, reproduce or disclose to other persons 
without the prior written consent of XaltedNetworks.
"We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know.  
I read it in a paper, fifteen years ago."
- John Prine

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