On 8/29/07, Caduceus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Every time I try to use perl 5.8.8 I keep geting the error message
> "Barewood found where operator expected at - line 1, near "/perl/bin"
> <Missing operator before bin?>"  What am I doing wrong here and how can
> I fix it.

The message says that you're running a Perl program named '-', and the
error was discovered while processing line 1 of that file, where the
source text said something like "/perl/bin". The file probably isn't
named with just a hyphen; that's the name Perl uses when the program
didn't come from a true file (for example, when the program is
supplied on STDIN, or via the -e run-time switch).

> I'm using activestate perl. The command I'm trying is
> C:/Perl/bin/perl5.8.8.exe perl -v.

I'm not a Windows user, so I can't check this. But I think that the
free word "perl" in that command line is superfluous, isn't it? Maybe
you want this command:

  C:/Perl/bin/perl5.8.8.exe -v

Good luck with it!

--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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