On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:40 AM, R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar
> Chas. Owens wrote:
> > The easiest way I can think of is to build a (UTF-8) file named
> > itrans2unicode.table that looks like this
> >
> > a   => a
> > aa => ā
> > ~N => ṅ
> >
> >
>  I have successfully created the file lookup.table containing lines as
> suggested above with ASCII and Unicode characters separated by ' => '.
> > Then read that file into a hash at startup
> >
>  Is there an easy way to do this directly?
>  When I read the file into a hash, I used ' => ' as a separator pattern for
> split and key value assignments as shown below:
>  -----------
>  #!/usr/bin/perl -C24
>  use warnings;
>  use diagnostics;
>  use strict;
>  use utf8;
>  open my $fh, "<:utf8", "lookup.table";
>  my @lookup = <$fh>;
>  close $fh;
>  binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
>  my %lookup = ();
>  foreach my $line (@lookup)
>     {
>     my ($key, $value) = split / => /, $line;
>     $lookup{$key} = $value;
>     print "$key => $lookup{$key}\n";
>     }
>  -----------
>  Is there another, easier way to load the file into a hash, using the
> already existing => symbol in the file?
>  Otherwise, inserting the ' => ' seems a wasted effort. One could just as
> well have used the original two column space or tab separated file and read
> it in using the -a option and @F array to assign the ASCII symbol in column
> one to the key and the Unicode symbol in column two to the value.
>  Thank you.
>  Chandra

There is no great benefit to using => as the separator.  I used it
because of its implied meaning in Perl (key on the left, value on the

Also the substitution I mentioned in my email won't work for you.  You
patterns are between one and three characters long (and the regex
dealt with a character at a time).  You will probably need something
more like

my $pattern = join "|", sort keys %lookup;
$pattern = qr/$pattern/;

while (<>) {

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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