Well!  That was the quickest & simplest WORKING solution I have ever received from a mailing list!  Thank you!

On 2021-07-05 17:55, Mark Andrews wrote:
If you want the content to be the same in both views and to be dynamically 
updatable then use

view view1 {
        zone example.com {
                type primary;
                [ allow-update / update-policy ] { … };

view view2 {
        zone example.com { in-view “view1”; };


On 2021-07-05 12:36, Dean Gibson (DNS Administrator) wrote:
Currently running Bind v9.11.4:

Several years ago, I implemented multiple VIEWs using (almost) the exact example in the Reference Manual.  However, I wanted the "example-internal.db" and "example-external.db" to be the same file.

This worked until I wanted to have "example.com" updateable via ddns.  I don't remember the exact error, but I have a note in my configuration file of /"don't do that!"/ (use the same file).  So, I removed the first zone declaration for "example.com".  That was still with Bind v9, but a lesser minor version.

So, the result is that I can't do a "dig -k tsig.file @localhost -t axfr example.com" from the server command line.  The transfer is denied, because "match-clients" forces me into the first (internal) VIEW.

The server is behind a firewall (which has a forward to the server), so "dig" works if I specify "dig -k tsig.file @ns1.example.com".  Because of this, I can still use "dig" like I want on the server.

However, I'd think this must be a common issue.  Any resolution (like recognizing & dealing with two references to a dynamically updated file)?

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