XXV International Conference IBAC 2015 from September 7 – 12, 2015 in Murnau, 
Bavaria, Germany

Dear Colleagues:

Once more we would like to draw your attention to the fact, that September is 
still the high season for tourism in Murnau, so we encourage you to make your 
room reservation as soon as possible!
For the moment there´s a contingent for hotel rooms, but only for a limited 
period of time. After this period the booking is on your own responsibility. 
Please use the form on the website

Note that you can reserve a room before you register for the conference!

Please distribute this information to your colleagues and visit our website in 
order to receive further information

Please apologize if you receive several copies of this announcement!

Looking forward to seeing you at the beautiful Bavaria in September 2015,
best wishes,

The organization team IBAC 2015

Nicole Hoiss
Assistant to the Director
Prof. Dr. Manfred Gahr
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Behavioural Neurobiology
Eberhard-Gwinner-Str. / Bldg. 6a
82319 Seewiesen
Tel.: +49 8157 932 240
Fax: +49 8157 932 260
Email: ho...@orn.mpg.de<mailto:ho...@orn.mpg.de>
Website: http://www.orn.mpg.de/2542/Department_Gahr

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