Our acoustic recorders 
<https://www.flickr.com/photos/consecolo/18422003112/in/photostream/> and 
bioacoustic software <https://arbimon.sieve-analytics.com/> have evolved quite 
a bit since last time. We’re currently wrapping up tests on new permanent 
stations <https://www.flickr.com/photos/consecolo/18399779946/in/dateposted/> 
(10x less expensive than back when we first started). The stations are now tiny 
and so can be deployed anywhere without effort. They also use your cellular 
network to automatically upload recordings for analyses, so no need for towers, 
antennae, base stations, etc.
I’ve attached the working prototype of our permanent station 
<https://www.flickr.com/photos/consecolo/18399779946/in/dateposted/>. We’re 
currently on our way to producing them in volume. If interested, please contact 
mi...@sieve-analytics.com <mailto:mi...@sieve-analytics.com> for more 
Hope to hear from you.
Serge Aucoin
www.sieve-analytics.com <http://www.sieve-analytics.com/>

PS. Please check out our last newsletter 
for more info. Apologies for any repeat emails.

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