If it is the .git pack that is the problem, you can keep it out of the tarball by creating a file in the main package directory (where DESCRIPTION lives) called ",Rbuildignore". Put a line in that file that reads
That will keep anything in the .git folder from being included.

On 3/28/2024 7:16 PM, gabriel.villa...@mdc-berlin.de wrote:

This is my first message to the mailing list so apologies if I am breaking any 

I am submitting a package called Ribostan and the build report gives an error 
that the package tarball exceeds the size requirement. I am also being warned 
that individual package files exceed the 5MB size limit.

The total size of a fresh clone of my package is 5.9MB, but 3.9MB of that is 
from the single packfile in .git/objects/pack. As I understand, the packfile 
contains the history of all files that have ever been in the repository, 
including files that have been deleted.

I am wondering if this packfile is what is inflating my package size in the 
build and whether there is a solution to reduce its size. In case it is 
relevant: at some point a 1.38MB bam file was committed to the repo as toy data 
for running examples, but has since been deleted. I am also wondering why an 
individual file is reported to be exceeding 5MB when I don’t see any such file 
in my repo.

Any advice would be very welcome!

Best regards,
Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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