Please ping me if it ends up being 103. I don't like missing things in the 
beta release post.

On Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 12:23:37 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 7:45 PM Joe Medley <> wrote:
>> Are you aiming for 102?
> That's branching very soon, so definitely not. I'm not really aiming for 
> any particular release. But if you want a prediction anyway, then likely 
> 104. 
>> On Monday, April 11, 2022 at 7:17:45 AM UTC-7 Emilio Cobos Alvarez wrote:
>>> On 4/11/22 15:02, Anders Hartvoll Ruud wrote: 
>>> > Ah, I'm not familiar with that way of doing compat research. What 
>>> would 
>>> > we gain from doing that vs. regular use-counter + HTTP Archive? 
>>> > 
>>> > Do we expect those 0.1% to visibly break? (I guess that depends on 
>>> > what they're feature testing for..) 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > I would not expect that at all based on the HTTP Archive query. If 
>>> > testing against "not all" was commonplace, I'd expect more results 
>>> > beyond the two Yandex scripts. Or, perhaps it is commonplace, but it 
>>> > happens mostly on features that actually *are* supported at the 
>>> moment. 
>>> > 
>>> > Just as an example (and to show that "not all" testing isn't a myth), 
>>> > one of the few (non-Yandex-script) sites that did show up was 
>>> > <>, which does the following: 
>>> > 
>>> > if(rule.mediaText.includes("not all") || ...) 
>>> > 
>>> > By the looks of it, it's an early-out related to the theme switching, 
>>> > which prevents the code from amending the query if 
>>> prefers-color-scheme 
>>> > is not supported. Had we not supported prefers-color-scheme, then I 
>>> > think the worst that could happen is that we end up with a more 
>>> > complicated query that still ultimately evaluates to false. Testing 
>>> the 
>>> > page with the feature enabled (with and without dark mode preference), 
>>> > their color switcher still works normally. 
>>> > 
>>> > That is just one site though, it's probably theoretically possible to 
>>> > write *something* that breaks. I did try to look at the "sample URLs" 
>>> > for the counters, but I couldn't actually reproduce the counters being 
>>> hit. 
>>> It's a thing that even Google DevRel people have recommended in the 
>>> past, ftr :) 
> Ouch ... 
>> But if you have data to indicate this is not a problem in the wild I'd 
>>> be happy to implement it in Gecko after you ship this change. 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> -- Emilio 

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