We have recently shipped <https://chromestatus.com/feature/5177628008382464>
the login status API to let identity providers (IdPs) (and, technically,
other websites) tell Chrome when a user is logging in to or logging out
from the website.

We previously only allowed setting the login status on toplevel loads or
for subresources which are same-origin with all their ancestors, both when
using the JavaScript API and when using the HTTP header.

As described here <https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/537>, we now
also allow same-site (same eTLD+1) subresources to set a login status (for
the origin of the subresource). This is useful for IdPs where the IdP login
happens on one subdomain, but the FedCM endpoint is on a different
subdomain. To make sure that FedCM works correctly, the login status needs
to be set on the FedCM subdomain.

The change has been approved by the Chrome Web Platform security and
privacy teams and will ship in Chrome 122.

Spec change: https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/pull/538

WPT tests added in

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