Kenneth Porter via Bloat <> wrote:
    > script in /etc/cron.hourly or a systemd timer unit).  speedtest-cli
    > accepts a --source option but it wants to always route through the WAN
    > link set to the default route when I specify the addresses of the other
    > two. From googling around it looks like I want to run it in a "network
    > namespace" but I haven't figured out how to make that work.

A new network namespace would certainly work, but it may be unmanageable

What you probably need are policy-based routes, which you can establish
statically and then --source ought to work.

ip route now has a "from" option, but it doesn't always work in my
experience.  The old way is to do:

  ip rule add from A.B.C.D/32    table 123
  ip route add default via table 123

I put these into "up" statements into my /etc/network/interfaes, but you say
you are running RHEL... I'm sure that there is a netplan way.
This also means that if you have a monitoring system elsewhere (smokeping or
something), and you ping each interface, then it will reply on that

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