I have received this from several lists, and it gets stranger every time.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:00 AM, <boston-social-requ...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Send boston-social mailing list submissions to
>        boston-social@gnome.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>        http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/boston-social
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>        boston-social-requ...@gnome.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>        boston-social-ow...@gnome.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of boston-social digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Wake Up World! Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss?
>      (Christophe Fergeau)
>   2. Re: Wake Up World! Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss?
>      (Aron Cohen)
>   3. Re: Wake Up World! Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss?
>      (Brad Taylor)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 20:56:18 +0100
> From: "Christophe Fergeau" <t...@gnome.org>
> Subject: Wake Up World! Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss?
> To: boston-social@gnome.org
> Message-ID: <20090122195627.oqbt25639.aarprv04.charter....@ixgqg>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="US-ASCII"
> If you want to know who the real establishment is in America and around the
> world, the real power behind the so-called "military-industrial complex",
> the real maleficent power that has led this world to inexorable conflict,
> war, hatreds, destruction of real human values, morality, conscience — it is
> the global media establishment.
> This same media witnessed the Zionist slaughter of 1,300 people in Gaza,
> and the maiming of 6,000 more, half of them women and children. More than
> 20,000 homes and buildings were destroyed or damaged and thousands became
> homeless. This horrendous mass slaughter of Palestinians is compared to the
> loss of 3 Israeli civilians. Yet, the media never dare to call this
> slaughter exactly what it is: terrorism on a horrendous scale! This same
> American and global media has not informed the American people or the people
> of the world of the damning truth about Barack Obama.
> In truth, Obama is a complete creation of extremist Jewish Zionists and he
> has already begun to serve Israel by his top appointments.
> The Jewish-dominated media in America is promoting the Obama inauguration
> as akin to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (If you question Jewish
> control of the media read Who Runs the Media? and you will find
> documentation proving the Jewish control being far greater than you might
> suspect) The rest of the world's powerful media (Which also has a powerful
> Jewish presence in the UK, France, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and the rest of
> Europe) takes its cues from the NY/Hollywood media axis, and presents Obama
> as kind of a superhuman agent of real change.
> In fact, it is a Huge Lie!
> Obama is completely controlled by the same forces that have controlled
> George Bush, so much so that The Chicago Tribune quotes leading Jews
> bragging that Obama is so in the hands of the Zionists that he is "the first
> Jewish President." Obama received about 80 percent of the Jewish vote in the
> United States!
> The Three critical things that made Obama President:
> 1)Jewish political influence
> Obama's chief handler is David Axelrod, a radical Jewish Zionist whose
> previous claim to fame was the fact that he was the Zionist political hit
> man against Illinois Senator Charles Percy, who was not deemed to be
> pro-Israel enough. (He was only 99.9 percent Israel's lackey, not the
> required 100 percent) Obama went to Israel and made sure he pronounced
> himself even more radically pro-Zionist than Bush or McCain.
> 2) Massive amounts of Jewish money
> Obama's campaign was kicked in high gear by Jewish Hollywood and financial
> moguls. In just one of the early fundraising parties in Hollywood by
> Spielberg, Geffen and Katzenburg it raised over a million dollars for Obama.
> Obama raised more money than any political candidate in American history and
> his biggest contributors were overwhelmingly Jewish activists, Jewish
> international finance and banking firms and Jewish globalists. His largest
> single contributor was the international Jewish Banking firm of Goldman
> Sachs. He received more money from the same international bankers that
> ripped off trillions of dollars in the recent economic scandals than even
> John McCain. Is a man totally under the power of the most powerful financial
> organizations in the entire world, really an agent of "change?"
> 3) Overwhelming positive support in the Jewish-dominated media
> By a large margin, Jewish-owned media officially endorsed Obama, and that
> is not counting tens of thousands of positive articles by Jewish; owned
> publications and pundits.
> Obama's first act as President-elect was to appoint a Jewish extremist,
> dual citizen, Rahm Emmanuel, as his chief of staff. As the people of Gaza
> were slaughtered, Obama would not make a single statement to stop this
> murder and maiming of thousands of innocents!
> Israel, very carefully timed its terrorist attack on Gaza to be in the
> remaining days of the Bush Administration. The day before Obama's
> inauguration Israel announced that it would be completely out of Gaza by the
> time Obama took his oath of office.
> Why?
> Before Obama took office, Israel could make this terrorist slaughter
> against Palestinians and Obama would still be perceived as having clean
> hands. Because Obama is completely under their control, they want him to
> have an image of fairness, honor and peacefulness, and as representing a new
> direction of American policy, as he begins to deal with the Mideast turmoil.
> Since he is Israel's boy in the White House, what better scenario could
> they have than a President perceived as practically the Second Coming, of
> high moral conviction, and dedicated to fairness,  but who is actually bound
> hand-and-foot to the Zionist agenda, just as the last president's have been.
> Talk about a perfect shill. And the game is working, for even many
> Palestinians are filled with hope that the new President will work to end
> their long suffering.
> With an almost godlike positive image around the world, a Barack Obama who
> is in reality controlled by Israel, is a much bigger danger than was even
> George Bush. We know what Bush is, but too many Americans and other peoples
> around the world are falling for the lies about the new "savior" of the
> world: Barack Obama. He already says we are to put thousands of new troops
> in Afghanistan and has rattled the sabers against Iran. Obama with highest
> positive image (created by media) in the world is in a more dangerous
> position to lead us into catastrophic wars than George Bush ever was.
> Jewish screenwriters in Hollywood couldn't have written a better script for
> the Zionist agenda than what is being played out on inauguration day, USA.
> Of course, why should they write it, they did it.
> God save America, God save the Palestinians, God save peace and justice in
> the world!
> –david duke
>  Source:
> http://www.davidduke.com/general/wake-up-world-meet-the-new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss_7225.html
> ---------------------------------------------
> You or someone using your email adress is currently subscribed to the
> Lawrence Auster
> Newletter. If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, please let us
> know by calling to 1 212 865 1284
> Thanks,
> Lawrence Auster,
> 238 W 101 St Apt. 3B
> New York, NY  10025
> Contact: lawrence.aus...@att.net
> ---------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 15:34:39 -0500
> From: Aron Cohen <aronco...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Wake Up World! Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss?
> To: boston-social@gnome.org
> Message-ID: <4978d85f.4090...@gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> So now boston-social is sponsoring an "elders of zion" hysteria workshop?
> great.
> fuck this and fuck all of you.
> Unsubscribe me from this bullshit racist crap.
> Christophe Fergeau wrote:
> > If you want to know who the real establishment is in America and around
> the world, the real power behind the so-called ?military-industrial
> complex?, the real maleficent power that has led this world to inexorable
> conflict, war, hatreds, destruction of real human values, morality,
> conscience ? it is the global media establishment.
> >
> > This same media witnessed the Zionist slaughter of 1,300 people in Gaza,
> and the maiming of 6,000 more, half of them women and children. More than
> 20,000 homes and buildings were destroyed or damaged and thousands became
> homeless. This horrendous mass slaughter of Palestinians is compared to the
> loss of 3 Israeli civilians. Yet, the media never dare to call this
> slaughter exactly what it is: terrorism on a horrendous scale! This same
> American and global media has not informed the American people or the people
> of the world of the damning truth about Barack Obama.
> >
> > In truth, Obama is a complete creation of extremist Jewish Zionists and
> he has already begun to serve Israel by his top appointments.
> >
> > The Jewish-dominated media in America is promoting the Obama inauguration
> as akin to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (If you question Jewish
> control of the media read Who Runs the Media? and you will find
> documentation proving the Jewish control being far greater than you might
> suspect) The rest of the world?s powerful media (Which also has a powerful
> Jewish presence in the UK, France, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and the rest of
> Europe) takes its cues from the NY/Hollywood media axis, and presents Obama
> as kind of a superhuman agent of real change.
> >
> > In fact, it is a Huge Lie!
> >
> > Obama is completely controlled by the same forces that have controlled
> George Bush, so much so that The Chicago Tribune quotes leading Jews
> bragging that Obama is so in the hands of the Zionists that he is ?the first
> Jewish President.? Obama received about 80 percent of the Jewish vote in the
> United States!
> >
> > The Three critical things that made Obama President:
> >
> > 1)Jewish political influence
> >
> > Obama?s chief handler is David Axelrod, a radical Jewish Zionist whose
> previous claim to fame was the fact that he was the Zionist political hit
> man against Illinois Senator Charles Percy, who was not deemed to be
> pro-Israel enough. (He was only 99.9 percent Israel?s lackey, not the
> required 100 percent) Obama went to Israel and made sure he pronounced
> himself even more radically pro-Zionist than Bush or McCain.
> >
> > 2) Massive amounts of Jewish money
> >
> > Obama?s campaign was kicked in high gear by Jewish Hollywood and
> financial moguls. In just one of the early fundraising parties in Hollywood
> by Spielberg, Geffen and Katzenburg it raised over a million dollars for
> Obama. Obama raised more money than any political candidate in American
> history and his biggest contributors were overwhelmingly Jewish activists,
> Jewish international finance and banking firms and Jewish globalists. His
> largest single contributor was the international Jewish Banking firm of
> Goldman Sachs. He received more money from the same international bankers
> that ripped off trillions of dollars in the recent economic scandals than
> even John McCain. Is a man totally under the power of the most powerful
> financial organizations in the entire world, really an agent of ?change??
> >
> > 3) Overwhelming positive support in the Jewish-dominated media
> >
> > By a large margin, Jewish-owned media officially endorsed Obama, and that
> is not counting tens of thousands of positive articles by Jewish; owned
> publications and pundits.
> >
> > Obama?s first act as President-elect was to appoint a Jewish extremist,
> dual citizen, Rahm Emmanuel, as his chief of staff. As the people of Gaza
> were slaughtered, Obama would not make a single statement to stop this
> murder and maiming of thousands of innocents!
> >
> > Israel, very carefully timed its terrorist attack on Gaza to be in the
> remaining days of the Bush Administration. The day before Obama?s
> inauguration Israel announced that it would be completely out of Gaza by the
> time Obama took his oath of office.
> >
> > Why?
> >
> > Before Obama took office, Israel could make this terrorist slaughter
> against Palestinians and Obama would still be perceived as having clean
> hands. Because Obama is completely under their control, they want him to
> have an image of fairness, honor and peacefulness, and as representing a new
> direction of American policy, as he begins to deal with the Mideast turmoil.
> >
> > Since he is Israel?s boy in the White House, what better scenario could
> they have than a President perceived as practically the Second Coming, of
> high moral conviction, and dedicated to fairness,  but who is actually bound
> hand-and-foot to the Zionist agenda, just as the last president?s have been.
> Talk about a perfect shill. And the game is working, for even many
> Palestinians are filled with hope that the new President will work to end
> their long suffering.
> >
> > With an almost godlike positive image around the world, a Barack Obama
> who is in reality controlled by Israel, is a much bigger danger than was
> even George Bush. We know what Bush is, but too many Americans and other
> peoples around the world are falling for the lies about the new ?savior? of
> the world: Barack Obama. He already says we are to put thousands of new
> troops in Afghanistan and has rattled the sabers against Iran. Obama with
> highest positive image (created by media) in the world is in a more
> dangerous position to lead us into catastrophic wars than George Bush ever
> was.
> >
> > Jewish screenwriters in Hollywood couldn?t have written a better script
> for the Zionist agenda than what is being played out on inauguration day,
> USA.
> >
> > Of course, why should they write it, they did it.
> >
> > God save America, God save the Palestinians, God save peace and justice
> in the world!
> >
> > ?david duke
> >
> >  Source:
> >
> >
> http://www.davidduke.com/general/wake-up-world-meet-the-new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss_7225.html
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> > You or someone using your email adress is currently subscribed to the
> Lawrence Auster
> > Newletter. If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, please let
> us know by calling to 1 212 865 1284
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Lawrence Auster,
> > 238 W 101 St Apt. 3B
> > New York, NY  10025
> > Contact: lawrence.aus...@att.net
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > boston-social mailing list
> > boston-social@gnome.org
> > http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/boston-social
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 15:41:00 -0500
> From: Brad Taylor <b...@getcoded.net>
> Subject: Re: Wake Up World! Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss?
> To: Aron Cohen <aronco...@gmail.com>
> Cc: boston-social@gnome.org
> Message-ID: <1232656860.28446.4.ca...@blackbird.genomic>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 15:34 -0500, Aron Cohen wrote:
> > So now boston-social is sponsoring an "elders of zion" hysteria workshop?
> Please calm down.  This guy is a spammer who has been sending out this
> propoganda to all of the GNOME hosted mailing lists for months.  Just
> today, he figured out he could get through moderation by spoofing
> people's addresses.
> -Brad
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> boston-social mailing list
> boston-social@gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/boston-social
> End of boston-social Digest, Vol 24, Issue 1
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