[Top-posting to keep the answer short.]


I personally use the binding of CURSOR_UP and CURSOR_DOWN quite a lot.
And, as you already said, if I don't want to reach all the way to the
right, I use the SPACE keys to pan horizontally.

Sébastien Hinderer <sebastien.hinde...@ens-lyon.org> writes:

> Dear all,
> This message is addressed to Mario and all the users of the Active Star
> 40 and perhaps also other HandyTech products.
> I would like to discuss the binding of the left triple action key. Its
> lower part is currently bound to cursor down, while its upper part is
> currently bound to cursor up.
> I never used these bindings and recently changed them. I bound the lower
> part to full window right and the upper part to full window left. That
> may sound counterintuitive and may seem more intuitive to do the binding
> the other way around, but my idea was to be as close as possible to
> what one is doing when reading printed braille. When one is doing that,
> at some point the right hand continues to read on its own while the left
> one returns to the beginning of the line and goes to the following one,
> so that the right hand knows where to go when reading is finished.
> With this bindings, I find the load of my two hands more balanced. It's
> also convenient when the display is not completely filled to not have to
> go to the triple action key on the right to go to the next braille
> window. I realise I could do it with the space keys, too, but I don't
> find this very convenient.
> So my question is: what do other users of this input table think about
> this suggestion? Do you find it odd and think I should just keep it for
> myself, or do you like it and find it worth including?
> For those who would like to try, I am attaching the updated version of
> rockers.kti I am using.
> To use it, just install it under /etc/xdg/brltty/rockers.kti and restart
> brltty, it will load the alternative version of the table rather than
> the default one.
> Best wishes,
> Sébastien.
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