"John J. Boyer" <john.bo...@abilitiessoft.org> writes:

> Consider the following deeply indented Python statement.
>                                       wordType = adverb
> There are five tabs. I would like BRLTTY to replace them with simicolons
> ;;;;;wordType = adverb                                        
> This feature would have to be optional and easy to turn on and
> off. People sometimes use spaces to indicate indentation or even both
> tabs and spaces. I would like spaces replaced with commas. The feature
> should work only at the beginnings of lines. I've soon code with soo
> many tabs that the Braille display is blank.
> That makes coding really frustrating.

This is how life goes.  I firmly believe what you want is best handled
by your editor.  If you are already using Emacs, it should be pretty
simple to get what you want with emacs lisp.  If you are working with a
codebase that strictly uses tabs, you might also improve things by
setting the tab width.  In vi, for instance, you can always do
:set tabstop=2
to make deeply nested code which uses tabs easier to read.

Regarding the indentation width, I personally feel like 2 is the minimum
for easily feeling how far something is actually indented.  I never
liked just one space, it is confusing to me and too easy to miss things
while scrolling along a block of code.

Dealing with code formatting in contributions to open source projects
can be tedious sometimes.  However, there is no real way around this.
It is totally understandable for most projects to demand a unified style
when starting to accept patches.  The codebase would be horribly
inconsistent when it comes to formatting and indentation after awhile.
Sometimes, you can make tools work for you.  For instance, some
languages (C++ and Rust come to mind) have quite capable code formatting
tooling these days.  If a project uses that, you can sometimes get away
by temoprarily modifying the code formatting rules, do your work, and
switch them back to what the project requires before finally submitting
your patch.  In most other cases, you are pretty much on your own.
However, this is a pain we share with the sighted community.

For instance, a sighted coworker of mine refused to meaningfully indent
his code (in languages that do not require indentation).  This was very
confusing to me whenever I had to look at his code.  To me, proper
indentation is part of the beauty of code, even in languages that do not
require it.

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