Sébastien Hinderer <sebastien.hinde...@ens-lyon.org> writes:

> Hello Mario, many thanks for your message!
> Mario Lang (2020/10/06 13:00 +0200):
>> Sébastien Hinderer <sebastien.hinde...@ens-lyon.org> writes:
>> > Raphaël POITEVIN (2020/10/06 10:21 +0200):
>> >> Maybe a cron running a script which check the battery level with
>> >> acpi. You can send a sound.
>> >
>> > Yeah that could be an option indeed. Thanks!
>> if [ $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity) -lt 10 ]
>> then play sound
>> fi
> That was a great idea, thanks! I installed it as a cron job and it kind
> of works, except when X is running becuase that starts PulseAudio, and
> then the cron job is unable to play sound for a reason I don't know, it
> seems it does not find PA so that's something that remians to be
> investigated for me.

The only advice I can give about PulseAudio is to uninstall the damn thing.
PA is one of the reasons why I no longer use X on Linux.
It is a horrible invasive piece of software.

>> P.S.: It appears the same things are coming up over and over again for
>> those of us who do not run a graphical desktop.
> Yes, I fully share the observation.
>> Screen curtain and
>> battery status come to mind.
> I would maybe add automount...

How is automount related?

>> Maybe it is time to actually write a tool
>> which somehow collects these small tasks into something that somehow
>> just works.  I would love to have something like
>> apt install text-mode-junkie
>> It would make it easy to turn down keyboard and display backlight, play
>> a sound when battery is low and maybe offer current weather based on the
>> current IP address.  Basically what GNOME 2 used to offer as applets.
> I would also appreciate having all the features a graphical desktop
> offers in text mode, but it feels it could be hard to maintain. It's
> also my impression that we text-mode guys go a bit against the present
> momentum and that it would be less painful to adapt ourselves to the
> graphicla world than to try to resist to it. I am writing htis with some
> sadness, I really don't like the graphical world.

I am not resisting.  I just refuse to use something which makes me less
efficient.  Also, I refuse to use something which can break from upgrade
to upgrade.  Remember GNOME3? Never ever will I trust the FLOSS
community again to maintain an accessibile graphical environment.
Last thing I read from the Orca maintainer felt a lot like she is about
to burn out.  Mostly because she feels like (and that is pretty much
true) that the rest of the community is no longer interested in actually
having a working accessible desktop.  Things like Mutter and Wayland
have pretty much demonstrated that we are not welcome.
The next big shiny invention will lack proper accessiblity and we're out
of the game again.  Better not develop any dependency on the GUI, so
nobody can rip it out of your heart again.

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