Aura Kelloniemi <> writes:

> I would like to hear from you, is there any display on the market, which
> 1) has an SD card slot for transfering files
> 2) supports Unicode braille in text files in its firmware text viewer
> 3) supports editing Unicode braille in text files (i.e. typing Unicode braille
> patterns instead of regular text)
> 4) allows customizing the braille table used to display text in the firmware
> applications.

I suspect point 2 and 3 are not implemented by any vendors.

> I have taken a look at Focus Blue V, Active braille 2021 and Brailliant BI
> X40. I could not find an up to date manual for Active braille 2021, so I
> cannot know about that. The others at least do not support custom braille
> tables or Unicode braille editing, but I don't know about viewing Unicode 
> braille.

> If there are no devices that support these features, I would like to know, if
> there are other people who would be interested. We could possible make a group
> request for these features and send it to braille display makers.

I have totally given up waiting or requesting features from these
companies.  Frankly, I think you are way better off implementing
your own system based on a real OS and a small computer like a Raspberry
or similar.  I managed to put a Raspberry Pi 0w into my
Active Star a few years ago which would make building your
own note-taker pretty simple.

But dont wait for these manufacturers to support modern stuff like
Unicode Braille.  They are stuck in their own world of catering to the
common deniminator of users.  Supporting experts does not make money, so
they dont care.

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