Aura Kelloniemi <> writes:

> Active braille's key layout is also not very ergonomic in my opinion,
> as the display has been designed to be used with the ATC mechanism,
> which is not very handy in terminal usage scenarios (and probably not
> available in BRLTTY).

Wrong.  BRLTTY implements ATC since the very first days that HandyTech
started to use the technology (2006).  We updated the autoscroll
impelementation a few years ago, which I tested on my Active Star 40.
I dont use it very often to be honest, but it does work as expected, and
comes quite handy when reading longer texts.

> So if you have any remarks that might be useful for me (including possible
> deficiencies of the newest Focus Blue), I'm very interested to read.

Since the key layout of Active Braille and Active Star are pretty
similar, you already ruled out what I would have wnated to suggest.
I really like my Active Star 40, mostly due to the design decision to
not remove the platform, which makes it easy to place a laptop on top
even when sitting in a train.  The battery time is very nice, and it can
USB charge.  And I like the triple action keys.
You can also connect a small form factor USB keyboard to it, which is
being passed along via Bluetooth HID.  This is basically my product idea
that I gave to HandyTech around 2000 during a casual chat with
management.  Paired via bluetooth, you can use the Active Star (and its
predecessor Braille Star) as a full wireless braille terminal with
These days, laptops are everywhere.  But back in the day, having a big
and loud desktop hidden away in a closet was a pretty nice thing to have.
Sitting on the couch with a braille display and keyboard only was a
glimpse of the future back then :-)

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