Dave Mielke <d...@mielke.cc> writes:

> [quoted lines by Sebastian Humenda on 2022/05/06 at 10:29 +0200]
>>For my purposes, it would be even better if it were a mode, i.e. if the mode
>>is enabled, LNDN == KEY_CURSOR_DOWN and LNUP == KEY_CURSOR_UP, and left/right
>>have the described behaviour. If off, everything is like at the moment. The
>>advantage is that I don't need to remember dedicated navigation keys.
> Yes, a mode would be best.
>>Does this  exist and if not, could this be implemented?
> No, it doesn't, but it should. Too late for 6.5, though, as I don't
> want, at this point, to risk instability. I'll have a look at it after
> 6.5 has been released.

I have a feeling this could be done right now without any code changes
by using keymap contexts.

context follow Cursor follows display
bind \{Up} KEY_CURSOR_UP
bind \{Down} KEY_CURSOR_DOWN
bind \{Unfollow} CONTEXT+default

context default
bind \{Follow} CONTEXT+follow
bind \{Unfollow} CONTEXT+default

Something similar in a .kti file should do the trick:

assign Up Foo
assign Down Bar
assign Follow K1+K2
assign Unfollow K1+K3
include foollow.kti

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