Halim Sahin <halim.sa...@freenet.de> writes:

> I've connected a Keyboard to my braillestar and use brltty 6.3.

I am assuing it is a Braille Star 40?

> The display is connected via usb or serial (both tested).
> The keyboard works well most of the time but.
> 1. sometimes the pc doesn't get keyreleases reliably
>   This results in blocked keyboard or hanging arrowkeys etc.

Can you relate "sometimes" to something?  Maybe high load on the system?
Or anything else?

> 2. Somethimes the braille display freezes completely so it want a
> restart and switching to extern keyboard and back. to work again in
> brltty.
> Any ideas?

I am assuing you are seeing a hardware problem.
I am using more or less your exact setup, on a Raspberry Pi 3, with
the original small-size PS/2 keyboard shipped with the Braille Star 40,
and I can not really report keyboard issues.  I have occasional
initialisation issues when turning the display on, but I kind of
attribute this to the somewhat strange USB chip in the Raspberry Pi.
I have other issues like the rpi not booting while my external USB
storage is connected, so I am sort of used to seeing weird things
related to USB.  However, no apparent keyboard issues here.  The
scancode passthrough has actually always worked quite reliably for me,
since it was implemented around 2003 or so...

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