In apparent retaliation for the furor in Korea about the safety of imported chinese food productions,Beijing has asked for proof of the safety of Korean personal deodorants exported to China.The Korea Food and Drug Administration said it had received the request for safety information from China's General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine.


Trade sources here said the timing of the request suggested a tit-for-tat response to the allegations that Chinese kimchi,eels and other food products importer here were hazardous to health.But whether a shot across Korea's bow or true concerns for safety,the Chinese action was probably based on a close reading of the Korean press.In September,the Korean Women's Environmental Network,a civic group,said it had found hazardous substances in six domestic deodorant brands.


China has been taking a battering on food exports to Korea.In July,a carcinogen was reportedly found in imported eels,: last month,it was lead in kimchi and last Friday roundworm
and other parasite larvae,again in Chinese-made kimchi.


Before publicizing that larval infestation,the Korean food agency said ,it notified Chinese officials of the findings but rejected  a request to delay a public announcement in order to conduct further tests,saying the matter was a critical one involving public health and welfare.

After the announcemnt,the food agency continued,Chinese officials told them they would have little choice but to retaliate if Korea continued to deal with China's exports in that fashion.


Korean trade officials may be thinking back a few years to a rather brutal Chinese retaliation in another trade dispute.In April 2001,Beijing accused Seoul of reneging on a deal to import 32.000 tons of Chinese garlic under a safeguard program to protect Korean farmers from unrestricted imports.It promptly banned the import of Korean-made cell phones and polyethylene.After several attempts to wiggle out of the box in which China had put one of Korea's signature exports,Seoul caved.


China was the largest buyer of Korean products last year,with $ 49.7 bn in imports.

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