2024年5月7日(火) 23:17 Chet Ramey <chet.ra...@case.edu>:
> On 5/6/24 1:21 AM, Phi Debian wrote:
> > Well even this is unclear 'BASH_SOURCE_PATH get searched before PATH' or
> > 'BASH_SOURCE_PATH get searched instead of' or even 'BASH_SOURCE_PATH get
> > searched after PATH'
> Because we haven't discussed the semantics. There shouldn't be any changes
> in posix mode, so that will continue to use PATH.

As an alternative option, is it possible that the `.' builtin follows
POSIX while the `source' builtin has the extension of
BASH_SOURCE_PATH? I don't have a particular preference here, but I'm
just curious about if there is a reason or motivation that the
`source' builtin should also follow POSIX.

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