2024年5月7日(火) 21:40 Martin D Kealey <mar...@kurahaupo.gen.nz>:
> I wonder if it would be useful to add options to 'command':

Thanks for your suggestion. I still think those should be implemented
by shell functions, but that interface sounds interesting. That seems
to cover most of the cases I raised. However, those are merely
examples I know, and I still think it would be better to leave the
degrees of freedom for module managers.

> * '-o' would report only the first command found (when more than one is 
> given) (or could be '-1');
> * '-p' would skip builtins &  functions, and fail silently if no file can be 
> found;
> * '-x' would search for files that lack exec permission.

Maybe I'll attempt a shell-function implementation of this interface.

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