This needs to resolve symbolic links otherwise path will be that of the symbolic link rather than that of the actual script file:

There are already ways to safely allow sourcing libraries relative to a bash script installation without adding features to Bash:

# Create tests and library folders
mkdir -p ./tests/libs

# Create main bash script command
cat > ./tests/real_bash_source_dir_test <<'BASH'
#!/usr/bin/env bash
real_source=$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")

# shellcheck source=./libs/testlib.bash
source "$include_path/testlib.bash" || exit 1 # cannot load library

# Make it executable
chmod +x ./tests/real_bash_source_dir_test

# Create symbolic link to executable
ln -frs ./tests/real_bash_source_dir_test ./

# Create the library
cat > ./tests/libs/testlib.bash <<'BASH'
(return 0 2>/dev/null) && [ -n "${BASH_VERSION}" ] || exit 1
TestLib::hello() { printf 'Hello from TestLib\n';}

# Run command script from its real install dir

# Run command script from its symbolic link in current dir

You can see it is able to source its library relative to its real installed path and it works regardless of if called from a symbolic link or directly from its installed dir.

Léa Gris

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