Follow-up Comment #4, bug #27983 (project findutils):

In your example, $tf1 is created in text mode, so it contains file names
listed with carriage returns.  Then you use cat, which preserves binary mode,
through a pipe which also preserves binary mode.  But this is an example of a
useless use of cat.  You could have instead used:

xargs -i echo -n "=={}==" <$tf1 >$tf2

which would have opened tf1 in text mode (per the mount point), and avoided
the wasted cat process in the first place.  If you insist on using cat, then
you should also be able to use d2u:

cat "$tf1" | d2u | xargs -i echo -n "=={}==" >$tf2

I still see no reason for findutils to work around this issue, especially
given the fact that cygwin developers highly recommend binary mounts rather
than text mounts for the very reason that text mounts are non-POSIX and
receive less testing.


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