
Jose Luis Alarcon Sanchez, le dim. 17 mars 2024 18:34:29 +0100, a ecrit:
> The 'test' work exactly as the text say, and i did ls on the GNU FTP, but i 
> want to introduce here my
> question: Can this be done also with a ftp server that requires an user name
> and password?. I have my account with user name and password and do well
> "traditional ftp". Can i get too have this Transparent FTP that the
> marvelous concept of the Translator allows?.

See /hurd/ftpfs --help:

SERVER can be a hostname, in which case anonymous ftp is used, or may
include a user and password like `USER:PASSWORD@HOST' (the `:PASSWORD'
part is optional).

So in theory you can pass user+password. But that will then show up in
ls, so you don't actually want this. Something would need to be added to
hostmux and/or ftpfs to support this in a safe way.


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