> On Oct 26, 2016, at 5:45 PM, Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.koz...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kvn/aot/hs.make.webrev/

  This generates module-info.java.extra at build time to augment 
module-info.java with `uses` and `provides`.  module-info.java.extra is 
expected to be checked in the source.

  Do you expect the list of `uses` and `provides` are often changed? 

The alternative is to declare `uses` and `provides` in module-info.java in the 
source repo so that a reader can see the module descriptor content without 
needing to do a build.  A test to detect if the module-info.java is out-of-sync 
with the annotated options.  In addition a make target to generate the list of 
`use` and `provides` can be used to generate module-info.java to be included in 
any change in the annotated options list.


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