
Could I please get a review for this 8u backport related to fdlibm
optimization on Linux? The JDK 12 patch doesn't apply as-is as the JDK
8 build system is drastically different from JDK 11+.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210416
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sgehwolf/webrevs/JDK-8210416/jdk8/02/

The main differences to the original fix are: a) optimization level and
b) additional hook for older GCC. This backport keeps the optimization
level at -O3 (HIGH) over -O2 (LOW) for JDK 8u as this would otherwise
regress Linux ppc64{,le} which currently use -O3. As the current code
has the implicit assumption of ppc64 being compiled on older GCCs too
(JDK-8172053), this backport maintains compatibility in this regard. If
-ffp-contract=off is not available, a machine specific set of flags is
being used if the compiler supports them (-mno-fused-madd -fno-strict-

For older GCCs (< 4.6) specific machine flags are being used. That is,
for ppc64{,le} and x86{,_64}. ppc64{,le} machine specific flags have
already been determined (See JDK-8172053). x86_64 and x86 have the same
machine specific flags available, so I've used them there too[1].

Testing: build/test on gcc 8.x Linux x86_64. build/test on gcc 4.4.7
x86_64/ppc64. Manual inspection of build logs for fdlibm files (e.g.




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