On Fri, 16 Jun 2023 08:45:01 GMT, Aleksey Shipilev <sh...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Wait, so why does it fix the bug? Is it a MSYS path conversion bug?

It does not fix the bug, it works around it. Something (in MSYS) failes to work 
(calling `javac`) that used to work without problem until some week ago (new 
version of MSYS?), and looking into the workflow step log, it worked (calling 
same `javac`) just a second before the failing call. I tried to reproduce it 
locally and also on a Codespaces instance, but never get the `Bad address` 
error to appear.

Do you have a better idea how to trace to the underlying issue on GHA?

>  If so, could we "just" `cp` everything from `JAVA_HOME_17_X64` to local path 
> and try that?

I didn't try that out. Might work, too. Yet, there is an installation available 
at a local path: `bootjdk/jdk`.

> My concern with hooking jtreg to boot JDK would require jtreg to be buildable 
> with STSes, like JDK 22 for eventual JDK 23 builds. Is there a 
> plan/commitment for jtreg to do it?

Copied from https://github.com/openjdk/jtreg/blob/master/doc/building.md

> The script is intended to be run in a Unix-like shell, such as bash on Linux 
> or Mac OS X, or with Cygwin, MSYS2, or WSL on Windows. At a minimum, you must 
> either set the JAVA_HOME environment variable or specify the location of the 
> JDK to be used to build jtreg with the --jdk command-line option. **It must 
> be a recent build of JDK 11 or later.**

So yes, "JDK 11 or later" includes 22 and following releases.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14507#issuecomment-1594419317

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