On Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:31:14 GMT, himichael <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> my question is that this feature should improve performance several times, 
> but it doesn't look like there's much difference between open jdk 22.19 and 
> jdk 8. is there a problem with my configuration ?

Hello @himichael,

Using your code snippet, please see the output below using the latest JDK and 
JDK 20 (which does not have AVX512 sort):

JDK 20 (without AVX512 sort): 
 -XX:-TieredCompilation JDKSort `

elapse time -> **7501 ms**

JDK 22 (with AVX512 sort)
 -XX:-TieredCompilation JDKSort`
elapse time -> **1607 ms**

It shows 4.66x speedup.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14227#issuecomment-1762406455

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