On Wed, 1 Nov 2023 19:58:07 GMT, Mandy Chung <mch...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Tool modules can be created via `jmod --main-class` option such that 
> `ModuleMainClass` attribute will be added in `module-info.class` and the 
> module's main class can be launched via `java -m <module-name>` without 
> specifying the name of the main class.
> In addition, for modules with `ModuleMainClass` attribute, jlink will 
> pre-resolve the module graph such that when such module is launched at 
> runtime (without `--add-modules` or `--limit-modules` option), the runtime 
> can skip the module resolution and speed up the startup time.
> This PR extends the build system to allow a module to specify the main class 
> under `make/modules/$MODULE/Jmod.gmk` file.    Also JDK tools with a single 
> entry point (or a primary entry point) are candidates to add 
> `ModuleMainClass` attribute in `module-info.class` to benefit from the jlink 
> optimization.   For example, `java -m jdk.jpackage` will be launched using 
> the pre-resolved module graph.
> Verified manually by running `java -m $MODULE` on the modules with main class.

make/modules/jdk.jdi/Jmod.gmk line 26:

> 24: #
> 25: 
> 26: JMOD_FLAGS_main_class := --main-class com.sun.tools.example.debug.tty.TTY

I'm not sure about this one.  Every few years there is a suggestion to 
deprecate or remove jdb. It's the example debugger from the original JPDA 
effort in the JDK 1.2 timeframe and hasn't really developed much since then. 
The main reason is stays around is that it is needed by our tests, and some 
people say it's useful to have something in production environments where the 
main stream debuggers can't go. I'm not opposed to "java -m jdk.jdi", it's just 
that this is a legacy/example tool that isn't the main focus of the jdk.jdi 


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16463#discussion_r1379699959

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