----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: [cafe] Re: Dubtes

Specially to dear visitor Kai Kuismanen

A bout Catalan language don't make any comment please
Everyday used by more than 6 millions of persons,studied in more than 10 countries in the world this is NOT "a chiken shit "language"
I'm french guy living in ANDORRA and we used this language ,we have to use it in every   commercial job .
Don't be like this I think it was only a joke ( :)))

Brainwave=beta=Talkwave not thinkingwave. Learn to think not talk. You are from space and thats your evidence. Kai 630903-Sweden.
>From: "Anonim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [cafe] Dubtes
>Date: 30 Jul 2002 17:57:25 -0000
>Sóc un enamorat d'Andorra i fa temps que tinc pensat traslladar-m´hi a viure.
>Tanmateix tinc molts dubtes. ¿Necessito fer algín tràmit o algun tipus de permís per anar a viure a Andorra?
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>Hi, Joaquim.

I dont understand a word of what you are writtning about.

You should learn a better lanques, that chicken shit you have learnd are a shit.

Have a nice day.


Kai Kuismanen






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