Hi, I've been trying for a while to get my cake site up and running
online... it's nearly there, but I seem to be having trouble with
routing, or rewriting or something.

Firstly, Cake doesn't seem to be finding my webroot.  When it looked
for the css directory, it was looking in domain.co.uk/css/file.css,
rather than in the webroot.  I uploaded the css and images directory
to the top level, i.e. in the same directory as 'app', and it can now
find them.

Secondly, it won't show me any page apart from the home page.  If I
try to link to another page, say domain.co.uk/pages/4, it says it
can't find it.  Presumably this is because it's looking for a
directory called 'pages' at the same level as app, and since that's
not there, it bails out.  In routes.php I have the line:
        Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action'
=> 'display'));

The domain is softwaresolutionsni.co.uk, if anyone would be kind
enough to look.

Can anyone suggest what's going on?  I'm not particularly good with
rewrite rules and so on, so I don't really know where to start.

Thank you.

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